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Where Innovation Takes Flight: Highlights from Jean-Christophe Lambert at BIG

October 10, 2024


At the 10th edition of BIG, Jean-Christophe Lambert joined a dynamic roundtable on the "Net Zero Emission Goal" and he also took the BANG main stage with an inspiring speech on innovation.

During the 10th edition of the BIG we got some great insights from Jean-Christophe Lambert's round table at BIG on the topic: « Net Zero Emission Goal” moderated by Maxime Meijers with Sandra Combet and Benoit Decourt. He highlighted the aviation industry's key role in achieving a sustainable future through innovation and collaboration.

Catch the full round table on YouTube here: https://lnkd.in/g_hy4vkc

Jean-Christophe Lambert took the BANG main stage at Bpifrance's BIG with an inspiring speech on innovation and progress.His message was clear: innovation is the key to progress.

Catch the full speech here: https://lnkd.in/g3k_aTKJ

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