Last week, Benoit Ferran also gave a lecture at the Royal Aeronautical Society - Paris Branch that is a British and the world's only professional membership association dedicated to the aerospace, aviation industry and to its global community.
The topic of the lecture was one very important for Ascendance:
Hybridization unlocking Advanced Air Mobility
Why so?
- Our DNA from the origin: to develop hybridization technologies as the best path toward a more sustainable (and someday decarbonized) aviation with SAF compatibility and transition
- Hybridization will unlock advanced air mobility to reach market viability, especially on payload, range, speed and turn-around time expectations
- Full battery architectures are and will stay too limited in performance and restricted to very light aviation or demonstrators
- Hybridization gives us a starting market for helicopter replacement with our new generation aircraft
We were happy our vision about hybridization in aviation was very well received by the key-players and experts who attended.
Hybrid electric is the long-haul flight to cleaner connections❕